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Photos by Ray Sepesy
Faces introduces you to people who make Ballantyne lively and interesting. In this edition, meet Susan Dosier, Jonathan Mangels and Dr. Ruben Valdes. Responses have been edited for clarity and brevity.

Susan Dosier
Hometown: Sparta, North Carolina
Job: President, DK Communications Group
Work details
My husband, Des Keller, is my business partner, and we have a PR and marketing firm dedicated to tourism and hospitality. My clients are in the Carolinas and the Southeast, so I’m occasionally out of pocket for a few days, hosting media or taking a deep dive to learn more about a destination.
Ballantyne resident?
I have lived in south Charlotte in the Raintree neighborhood for 13 years.
Local place where everyone knows your name
Vintner Wine Market in the Arboretum Shopping Center.

Ruben Valdes
Hometown: San Juan, Puerto Rico
Job: Chief Marketing Officer, Novis Health
Typical day
Up at 4 a.m., producing content and clinical information for patients and uploading it to Facebook and Instagram. Also as a chiropractor, I shoot videos, produce audio and develop copy to help train doctors who operate one of our functional medicine practices around the country. I take my daughter to school, support my wife with her demanding career and train in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu in the evening with the Gracies.
Ballantyne resident?
Yes, since 2018.
Best-kept secret in the Ballantyne area
Thyroid conferences at Springhill Suites.

Jonathan Mangels
Hometown: Herndon, Virginia
Job: Partner, GreerWalker
Typical day
Hit the road around 6 a.m. Get my coffee, then start working. As a CPA, my day usually involves meetings or calls with clients and co-workers and reviewing various engagements. I try to work out a few days a week during lunch and get home around 7 p.m.
Ballantyne resident?
We have lived in Marvin since 2006.
Favorite beverage
Coors Light. But in the winter, I like a filthy dirty Sapphire gin martini.