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Photos by Raymond J Photography
Faces introduces you to people who make Ballantyne lively and interesting. In this edition, meet Trent Scovell, Meghan Miles and Dr. Kashyap Patel. Responses have been edited for clarity and brevity.

Meghan Miles
Hometown: Dayton, Ohio
Job: Corporate Communications Manager, Duke Energy
Typical day
Wake up around 5:30 a.m., work out and eat breakfast with my family. My work involves a lot of meetings, emails and collaborating with teammates. After picking up our girls from daycare, it is time for dinner and the bedtime routine. I often begin the day with a plan that ultimately gets thrown out the window, but it is important to me to bookend the day with family.
Ballantyne resident?
Yes, for the last six years.
Guilty pleasure
The cakes from Publix Bakery.

Kashyap Patel, MD
Hometown: Ahmedabad, India
Jobs: CEO, Carolina Blood and Cancer Care Associates
President, Community Oncology Alliance
Medical Director, International Oncology Network
Typical day
Treating cancer patients, being on call with congressional offices to field health care policy questions, and speaking at or chairing national and international meetings on topics related to cancer.
Ballantyne resident?
Twenty-plus years in Ballantyne Country Club.
Favorite beverages
Hefeweizen beer and pinot noir.

Trent Scovell
Hometown: Denver, Colorado
Job: Chief Financial Officer, Bark Technologies, Inc.
Typical day
Eggs and coffee to start each day. Check-ins with my kids, friends and family throughout the week, and quality time with my girlfriend. We keep meetings to a minimum at Bark, so my workday tends to be a lot of Slack messages, email and video calls as needed. And, of course, a lot of spreadsheets!
Ballantyne resident?
The Ballantyne area has been my home since 2007.
Media to recommend
“Childhood 2.0.” It’s a documentary about growing up in the digital age (childhood2movie.com).