The Buzz on Ballantyne Reimagined
Local media celebs share thoughts on latest developments
By Nan Bauroth | Photos by Megan Cantrell, Milk + Honey Photography
As Northwood’s Ballantyne Reimagined plan continues to unfold with the completion of The Amp Ballantyne™ venue, Stream Park and new restaurants in The Bowl at Ballantyne™ we reached out to three local media celebrities who live in this area to get their take on all the new amenities and how they feel these changes will benefit the community and its growth.

Chris Wilcox
Co-Host, The Woody & Wilcox Show, iHeart Radio 106.5 The End
Chris Wilcox, who has lived near the Ballantyne campus the entire 14 years since his show started on 106.5, has also served as an assistant basketball coach at Ardrey Kell High School for the past seven years. “When we moved here, we were new to the Charlotte area,” he says. “Our children were young, so we were looking for good schools and eventually zeroed in on Ballantyne.”
The Amp Ballantyne is another big hit with him. “I was so excited about The Amp, I attended the first concert with The Wrecks. I think this will become a social hot spot. Now you don’t have to drive all the way uptown to get great entertainment. I am fired up about that.” He also thinks as The Amp draws more acts, it will draw local teens. “They won’t have to go as far, which is a benefit for parents who worry if their kids drive uptown at night.”