Yard Art Day
Have fun adorning your lawn this Labor Day
By Jodi Werner Greenwald
Photos by Deborah Triplett Photography
Since 2012, Yard Art Day has been a free, Charlotte-based initiative that encourages residents to get creative in their yards or front spaces on Labor Day. This year, organizers are looking to expand the project’s reach to neighborhoods with limited previous involvement — such as Ballantyne!
Consider this your invitation, and please mark your calendars for Monday, Sept. 2, to display art, whimsy or whatever strikes your fancy. Yard Art Day founder Deborah Triplett (far left) shares details below.

What inspired you to start Yard Art Day?
Being raised a “front yard” kid — it struck me that it would be wonderful if people could walk, bike, scooter or drive by front yards and see art.
Favorite things about the project?
The connection it brings between people. Neighbors chatting with neighbors or talking to new persons. Also, the wide range of art that is represented each year.
Advice for first-time participants?
Don’t overthink it. Have joy in creating. People say, “Well, I am not an artist,” and I tell them do something simple: paint a bunch of rocks and stack them. Wrap beautiful fabric around a tree. Put 50 red balloons in your front yard. Be a kid again. Of course, if you have the skills: go crazy!

What are you planning for your yard?
I might collaborate with another artist who has been doing a project related to women’s empowerment and their voices.
Businesses can participate, too?
Oh yes! The only stipulation is that they create something with their staff or hire a local artist to create something. Plus, the art must be displayed outside in front of the business.
How many artful spaces do you expect this year?
Typically around 150 locations. In the past, we’ve had coast-to-coast participation. We’ve had YADists from Massachusetts to California and Canada!

Anything else to share?
We always have a fantastic map (created by Tom Petaccia, shown above) so that people know where the art is displayed. Registration will take place via our website: yardartday.org.
People can also follow our Facebook page to stay up-to-date: facebook.com/yardartday.