At Home With Our Writers

Posted on May 12, 2020

Early on, I recognized structure and routine as important elements for me to maintain mental and physical health. Each morning, I take a one-hour walk followed by 20 minutes of combat with a Bosu Ball. After eating breakfast and reading two papers, I take a 30-minute online Spanish class (something I have thought about forever and finally bought). I then do one household chore (garden, cleaning, grocery shopping, cooking), tackle one “work-ish” task (story pitch, writing exercise, research) and have a late lunch. I am down to two meals a day, which I’ve discovered is just right. I read or play online cribbage in the late afternoon (I have a slight advantage over my electronic foe) and watch the news, followed by one hour of fun TV. I’m usually in bed early.

I’ve experienced a bit of melancholy over the past few weeks. It happens when I reflect upon the scope and magnitude of what we all face. A vast number of people are in unfathomable situations. I’m thankful for the gifts I have, and I support others where I can. Staying present is helpful for me. Small immediate moments, such as admiring the tomatoes in my raised bed garden or reading a well-constructed poem, bring great delight. Very often, I’m quite surprised at how quickly the day passes.